C H P Tow Operator Certification           Tow Operator Training          Dispatch & Management Training          Towing Consultant         

Towing Professionals Teaching Future Towing Professionals

(661) 979-0747
2800 Gibson st.   Bakersfield, CA 93308

Class Information

  1. Bakersfield Yard Location -------- 2800 Gibson st., Bakersfield, Ca

  2. Starting time 8:00       Ending time 4:00 ish
  3. Special Equipment Needs ----- gloves, steel toed boots, coveralls or long pants, safety vest , hard hat (heavy class), safety glasses, sun protection, writing pen or pencil, reading glasses if needed

  4. Drivers Lic.------ need a copy
  5. Company info ---- company name, address, phone number, e-mail address, web site if applicable
  6. Pastries furnished by Towpros  --- Saturday and Sunday
  7. Drinks supplied by Towpros  --- water, coffee, cokes, misc. drinks
  8. Lunch break --- 1 hour           2 or 3 breaks during class ------ smoking or walk around
  9. Class workbook supplied by Towpros
  10. Special forms supplied by Towpros
  11. Test at end of second day

Light Duty   -----------------   Medium Duty   ----------------   Heavy Duty   -----------------   Special Equipment